Parental Placement Adoption
This agency can best assist you with Parental Placement Adoption, sometimes called “Open Adoption.” When considering this option, it’s important to think about the following: the level of involvement you want with the adoptive family; your willingness to appear in court to give your consent; how you will involve the biological father in this process; what services/resources you will need from the agency or the adoptive family; and how it will feel to meet your child’s adoptive family.
Agency Placement Adoption
This type of adoption may be a “closed” or “open” adoption. It differs from Parental Placement because you will sign an “entrustment” to the agency giving them the power to place your child for adoption. You may have choice in the family selected if you would like and you may have choice in ongoing contact. C2Adopt is not licensed for this type of adoption but will refer you to other agencies if this is what you prefer.
When considering this option, it’s important to think about the following: how much you trust an agency you have chosen to make an acceptable choice for your child; what services/resources you need from the agency; and how you will involve the father in this process.
You could also choose to place your child with a family member. In this state, you would follow the laws and guidelines for a Parental Placement Adoption. That means the family member would need to have a home study completed by a licensed child-placing agency.
When considering this option, it’s important to think about the following: how your relationship with this family member will be affected; what your relationship to the child would be after placement; how comfortable you are with being in close contact with your child that you are not raising; and how the father will be involved with this child.
Visit our Waiting Family Profiles to find information about some of our clients who are hoping to build their families through adoption.
Information about time to consent and change your mind, financial assistance, finalization of the adoption process, risks in placing for adoption and ongoing considerations regarding contact and communication will be shared and explained. C2Adopt also strives to provide information about the long-term implications of making an adoption plan for your child.