Waiting Children

There are over a thousand children waiting for adoption in Virginia

There are over 1,000 children waiting in the Virginia foster care system for a permanent adoptive family. Many of these children are nine and older and have experienced trauma in their lives. They need what every child needs; to be part of a family, to be treated with kindness and respect, to be nurtured, to have fun and to have the safety and security of a family.

Children who leave the foster care system without a permanent family do not often overcome the odds of dropping out of school, become incarcerated and/or homeless. They often require community mental health and welfare assistance programs.

C2Adopt provides free informational meetings for families to answer any questions related to adoption. C2Adopt also offers workshops regarding adoption issues and parenting techniques. C2Adopt is unique to other agencies as it offers support during the adoption process as well as post adoption services and support.

If you are interested in any of these waiting children, please contact C2Adopt at (804) 354-1881.

In our effort to limit the digital footprint of our children and youth, Virginia has elected to only provide photos to inquiring families. A digital footprint could be described as a trail left behind when someone uses the internet e.g. websites visited, social media accounts, photos, etc. The state wants to be cautious as to who can see and potentially have access to youth’s info.​


Camille is a creative and respectful 15-year-old female. Camille enjoys reading vampire books, K-Pop, and loves Orange Chicken and Mac and Cheese. She is shy around people she does not know, but once she warms up, she is able to communicate her wants and needs. Camille is making progress with her social skills with peers, learning how to advocate for herself, and becoming more confident. It’s important to her to find a family who is open to maintaining contact with her birth family. To learn more about Camille, click HERE!

If you think you might be the family for Camille, please contact Alicia Bugauisan at abugauisan@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881


Darin is a 14-year-old boy who enjoys playing sports, especially basketball. He is on the school’s basketball team, and he hopes to also join the school’s track team. He also likes weightlifting and bike riding, and he has expressed interest in taking a boxing class. Currently, Darin is in middle school, and is doing well in his academic achievement. His favorite school subject is history. Darin would like a home with pets, especially a dog. He would thrive in an environment that is structured with routine. Darin would benefit from having a male figure in his life, whether that’s a father figure, older brother, uncle, or mentor. Darin deserves a forever family that will support him while understanding his history. Click HERE!

If you think you might be the family for Darin, please contact Alicia Bugauisan at abugauisan@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881


Shavell is a 12-year-old high energy young lady. In her free time, Shavell enjoys listening to music, reading and doing arts and crafts. Shavell also enjoys sports such as tennis, soccer, volleyball and swimming. Shavell recently learned to hold her breath underwater and enjoys showing off her swimming skills. Shavell is music oriented and is a great singer. Her favorite artists include Ariana Grande and Michael Jackson. Shavell has many strengths and wants others to know she is a nice person. She is also proud of how hard she works at math. Some of Shavell’s favorite foods include pizza and anything sweet, especially Skittles. When she grows up, Shavell wants to join the US Army. If she had two wishes, Shavell would wish for a family and also to be famous. When asked what her dream day would look like, Shavell said “having a good day and being happy.” To learn more about Shavell, click HERE!

If you think you might be the family for Shavell, please contact Alicia Bugauisan at abugauisan@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881


Jimmy is a 17-year-old boy who loves to watch a good basketball game or WWF match. When he isn’t cheering on his favorite competitors, he likes to play the game himself on his school team. Jimmy loves going to the YMCA with his family and looks forward to their weekly pizza and movie nights and the occasional traveling adventure. Jimmy cares deeply about others and would do well in a home that provides him the opportunity to be a brother, but to also be cared for himself. The ideal family for Jimmy is patient and understanding of his behaviors in the larger context of his childhood experiences. A family who can maintain structure would be best. To learn more about Jimmy, click HERE!

If you think you might be the family for Jimmy, please contact Alicia Bugauisan at abugauisan@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881


Kulture is a 17-year-old who is an amicable and eager young person fast approaching adulthood. Their interests include reading manga, watching anime, chatting, gaming with friends, and playing basketball. Although they may not always admit it, they are always down for an adventure if encouraged outside of their comfort zone. Most recently, Kulture has enjoyed discussing their future of being an online content creator. They plan to feature their favorite video games, artists, and personal raps they would like to have produced. This young star shines bright in the sky and is excited to meet the family willing to provide a solid foundation to keep them afloat! Kulure can be quite inquisitive and responds best to parenting when requests are explained. To learn more about Kulture (formerly known as Jeremiah), click HERE!

If you think you might be the family for Kulture, please contact Alicia Bugauisan at abugauisan@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881


Nora is a 15-year-old girl who loves to express her artistic and creative sides. She loves to use all different types of art and doesn’t stick to just one. She enjoys drawing, photography, graphic design, and painting. Nora also enjoys making bracelets, reading, and listening to music. She is hoping to find a forever family who makes her feel safe and who can meet her where she’s at. She would do well in a home who can balance nurturance with structure and routine and Nora will need academic support.

If you think you might be the family for Nora, please contact Abby Schugeld at aschugeld@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881


Tracey is an energetic and outgoing 12-year-old female who loves to stay busy. She loves singing and dancing, puzzles, painting, drawing, and comedy movies. Tracey also enjoys watching football and reading. Tracey’s favorite color is red and favorite animals are dogs and bobcats. She is a lover of all foods except for PB&J’s. Tracey doesn’t like being bored or sitting still for too long, so she tries to keep herself busy doing activities or engaging with others. Tracey presents older than her age, but often demonstrates her youth. To learn more about Tracey, click HERE!

If you think you might be the family for Tracey, please contact JP Boyce at intern2@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881


Likayla is a 15-year-old sweet natured, caring, and enthusiastic young woman. She is easy to have a conversation with and find something that you can connect on with each other. Likayla enjoys spending time outside, watching TV, writing music, arts and crafts, and going to school. She cooks often and enjoys making chicken alfredo. She is hoping to find a family that will meet her where she’s at and provides her with structure and love. She will do well in a family that understands her past and is able to help her grow through it.

If you think you might be the family for Likayla, please contact Abby Schugeld at aschugeld@c2adopt.org or 804-354-1881